Aspire to Innovate (a2i) of the Cabinet Division and ICT Division, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is working to build a Smart Bangladesh and bringing smart services to the doorsteps of the citizens.
During the year 2023, a2i has launched many smart projects while many of its initiatives and associated projects received over 17 national and international awards, demonstrating their commitment to technology-dependent services and innovation for Smart Bangladesh development.
On December 12, 2022, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the ambitious goal of achieving a Smart Bangladesh by 2041 where four pillars of Smart Bangladesh were set.
These are: Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society.
The journey from 2023 to 2041 spans 18 years, marking a dedicated pursuit of the Smart Bangladesh vision.
An overview of a2i's year-long efforts to create Smart Bangladesh
National and International Achievements:
Apart from achieving many national awards, a2i was honoured with a number of international awards this year. It was conferred with the prestigious 'World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prize-2023' for the 'COVID-19 Telehealth Center initiative. Besides, a2i's 'ekShop' platform was awarded the 'SDG Digital Game Changer Award' by the United Nations for its contribution to extending e-commerce while the a2i was recognized with the 'WITSA 2023 Global Innovation and Technology Excellence Awards' for its skill development and education excellence through online platforms like 'National Intelligence Employment and Entrepreneurship (NISE)' and 'MuktoPaath.'
ISO certificate for Procurement Process:
a2i's Procurement Management achieved the International Standards Organization (ISO) certificate for its outstanding contribution in improving buyer-supplier relationships and increasing efficiency in the private sector with a view to improving transparency and quality in the government procurement process.
Accessibility Guidelines:
As the a2i is at the forefront of ensuring digital services accessible to all including people with disabilities, the government has formulated the 'Digital Service and Web Designing Guideline for Inclusive Accessibility 2022', simplifying the way to achieve the goal.
National Innovation Agency:
The a2i is poised to be a full-fledged agency as the 'Agency to Innovate (a2i) Bill 2023' was passed in the parliament in July this year, ushering in a new era of technological innovation in the country. As an innovation intermediary, it will advance new, mission-driven policies while continuing its 'whole-of-government' approach to achieving the SDGs and achieving Smart Bangladesh.
e-Quality Center for Inclusive Innovation:
a2i was globally acclaimed for its proactive steps to reduce digital divide by establishing the 'e-Quality Center for Inclusive Innovation', envisioning a world with zero digital divide. This centre, a collaborative effort of a2i, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ICT Division and the UNDP, was formally launched during the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 25 this year. Earlier, a worldwide campaign named Zero Digital Divide (#ZeroDigitalDivide) was launched aimed at minimizing digital inequality across the globe.
To attain the goal, the e-Quality Centre has introduced the International ICT Innovation (I-3) Matching Fund that has already provided financial assistance to five countries: Gambia, Uganda, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, and Ghana.
DPI-AI International Conference:
A two-day international conference Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) was organized under the auspicious initiative of the a2i this year with a view to creating an ecosystem to reach citizen services to individual level. It emphasized on creating an inclusive and digitally equitable world through the optimal use of DPI and artificial intelligence (AI). The conference was featured with the significant 'Dhaka Declaration 2023,' that outlined 10 point-action to reduce digital divide and strengthen DPI and AI.
a2i for Innovation:
As part of its regular activities to encourage building a culture of innovation in the country, a2i organized 'Rocketry Innovation Challenge-2022' and awarded innovators for innovative ideas like smart meters and sub-meters for water usage in households and industries, monitoring vital physical data during pregnancy using digital methods for pregnant women and creating customized letters for government office documents.
International Consultation on Blended Education:
As blended education has appeared as indispensable for shaping Smart Bangladesh, in May this year, the a2i in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Education Ministry organized an international consultation aimed at implementing an inclusive blended education system.
a2i’s emergency response during Disaster:
The national helpline 333 developed by the a2i stood by the people when the powerful cyclone 'Mocha' approached the country's coasts and provided 24-hour service. The toll-free helpline service provided information related to the cyclone, alert signals, weather updates, and emergency assistance.
During this period, the helpline received 1.4 million calls related to 'Mocha,' and more than 34,000 calls were made for disaster assistance.
a2i's yearlong innovative initiatives to build a 'Smart Bangladesh'