A Dhaka court on Monday placed former Information Minister and Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal President Hasanul Haque Inu on a four-day remand in a murder case.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Sharifur Rahman passed the order when sub-inspector of Gulshan Zonal team of DB Abu Zafar Biswas, also investigating officer of the case, produced him before the court with a ten-day remand prayer.
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Inu’s lawyer filed a petition seeking bail for his client.
On July 19, Bahadur Hossain Monir sustained bullet injuries during the July-August movement at Pragati Sarani.
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Later, he was taken to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
Abu Zafar, father of Manir, filed a case with Gulshan Police Station against 105 people including Sheikh Hasina on September 30.
Inu was arrested from his Uttara residence on August 26.