The National Pension Authority (NPA) is getting a lower response from Bangladeshi expatriates.
Among 1.49 crore Bangladeshi expatriates, only 209 people have deposited their contribution in the name of the ‘Probas’ program of the national pension scheme.
According to the sources, about 8231 people have contributed their money to different programs till August 17.
Read: Pragati Universal Pension Scheme: Registration Process for Bangladeshi Non-Government Employees
Among them, 4371 people contributed under the Progoti program, 2741 under Surokkha, 910 under Samata, and 209 under the Probas program.
An official of the pension authority said, "Many people are registering. But we don't consider the registration number as the real number. We see how many people have actually deposited money against the specific program.”
Read more: Samata Universal Pension Scheme: Registration Process for Low Income Bangladeshis