Tragedy struck in Baraigram upazila of Natore on Tuesday night as a tenth-grade student fell to his death from the rooftop of a three-story building while celebrating the New Year.
The deceased, identified as Ishtiak, was a student at St. Joseph High School in the Bonpara area and was set to take his SSC examinations this year.
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According to family members and locals, Ishtiak was celebrating with friends on the rooftop of his friend’s residence in the Kalikapur area. The incident occurred when Ishtiak, reportedly distracted by his mobile phone, lost his footing, leading to a fatal fall.
He sustained severe injuries and was rushed to a local clinic, but doctors declared him dead upon arrival, said Sirajul Islam, Officer-in-Charge of Baraigram Police Station.
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The officer further said that the police would take action if the family files a formal complaint regarding the incident.