Released on November 15, 2020, the latest season of the Netflix drama "The Crown" focuses on the occurrences of the British Monarch from the 1970s. The major events of season four include the time of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister, the royal wedding of Prince Charles (starred by Josh O'Connor) with Lady Diana Spencer (starred by Emma Corrin), the births of Prince William and Prince Harry, their family tour in Australia and New Zealand in 1983, the Falklands War, the intrusion of Michael Fagan at Buckingham Palace, the funeral of Lord Mountbatten, Dianaâs participation at the Champion Children Awards in Barnardo, and the departure of Thatcher from the PM office.
Instead of presenting as a documentary, âThe Crownâ depicts the life of Princess Diana as a drama series. The fourth season of this TV series has replenished public interest in the late Princess Diana as well as the obscure chapters of the history of Britain. And, the enjoyable storyline of this drama gives the opportunity to the new generation to know about Lady Diana Spencer who became the British royal princess from an ordinary teenage nursery school assistant.
In âThe Crown (season four)â creator Peter Morgan is going to reveal many known and unknown aspects of the relationship of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The audience will virtually observe the arranged marriage of Lady Diana Spencer with Charles who was about 13 years senior to her. Morgan also dares to show how Diana suffered from bulimia. Her desire for public admiration would be visible on the screen. The show also depicts how Prince Charles hated Dianaâs fame and shamelessly continued his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles (played by Emerald Fennell). Besides these, the cold relationship among her in-laws would come into the light. And finally, the audience will experience how a potential love story ends in a tragedy.
The beginning of season four narrates that the royal family is looking for an appropriate bride for Prince Charles who is the heir to the throne. The 24-year old actress Emma Corrin, entered the spotlight for her talented portrayal of the iconic character, Princess of Wales Diana. Prior to performing in âThe Crown,â Corrin acted in several movies: Cesare (2017), Alexâs Dream (2018), and Misbehavior (2020). She also starred in some TV series: Grantchester (2019) and Pennyworth (2019). The mysteriously beautiful resemblance of Corrin to the late Princess Diana has surprised the viewers.
The world remembers the late Princess of Wales Diana in many ways. She was a caring mother to her sons, a humanitarian, and a style icon. Her sense of fashion is praised still today. In the fourth season of "The Crown", you would enjoy how Princess Diana has transformed her mode over the course of time. From the early life pastel outfits to red-carpet gowns, in every phase, Diana appeared with her unique style.
The Crown (Season Four) will shock you by replicating the memorable outfits of Princess Diana in a skillful way. On her wedding day on July 29, 1981, Princess of Wales Diana appeared in a mind-blowing ivory silk gown bearing a 25-foot-long dramatic train designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel. The brilliant costume designers of "The Crown" wonderfully emulated the details of the original Royal wedding gown, including the bow detailing, prolonged train, and huge sleeves.
The style and color of Corrinâs wig would change throughout the season, maintaining the same Diana cut. With the advancement of the storyline in season four, we would see Corrin in a progressively glamorous look with a blonder and voluminous hairstyle. The dramaâs producers, costume director, hair designer, and makeup artist paid homage to late Diana by their incredible job. It is really wonderful to watch the life of Diana on screen and remember the beloved Princess once again.
Read Sibling rivalry, affection rule new season of 'The Crown'