Dhallywood megastar Shakib Khan, currently shooting for his new movie 'Borbaad' in India's Mumbai, India, has recently suffered an injury.
According to ‘Borbaad’ director Mehedi Hassan Hridoy, the actor was injured after accidentally colliding with a door on the film’s set at Ellora Studios in Mumbai and got bruised in the upper part of the eye with a cut on his eyebrows under the forehead on Thursday.
The actor was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, where he underwent a CT scan. The doctors assured him that the injury was minor and instantly discharged him, prescribing adequate medications.
Moreover, Khan resumed his shooting after returning to the set and continued till midnight, Hridoy told the media. The shooting is currently being continued as per how it was originally scheduled.
The team will continue the ongoing phase of filming until November 16. Following a brief intermission after that, they will begin the second and concluding phase of filming in December.
‘Borbaad’ is the debut film of Mehedi Hassan Hridoy, an acclaimed small-screen director who has directed more than a hundred television dramas in his career.
Set to be an Eid-Ul-Fitr 2024 release, the film is reviving the popular duo of Shakib Khan and West Bengal actress Idhika Paul, celebrated by the audience for their performances in the 2023 romantic action film ‘Priyotoma’.
Meanwhile, Shakib Khan’s first-ever Pan-India ‘Dorod’ (‘Dard’ in Hindi) is set to be released on November 15. The Anonno Mamun-directed film is also set to be released in 20 countries across the world.