Left Democratic Alliance (LDA) will hold a rally in front of the National Press Club at 11:30 am on Monday to lead a march towards Bangladesh Bank in protest against the looting of banks and money laundering.
A partner of the LDA, Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) President Mohammad Shah Alam and General Secretary Ruhin Hussain Prince urged all to join the protest rally.
In a statement they demanded investigating and publishing a white paper on allegations of money laundering, recovery of money smuggled abroad, recovery of defaulted loans, punishment of those involved and responsible, mismanagement in the financial sector.
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The leaders said that money laundering and bank robbery have become a normal phenomenon. It is not easy to create the field of such free loot without colluding with the rulers in various ways.
People's money should be protected by building people's resistance against it. The leaders also called on the people to build a resistance against corruption, looting and autocracy.
They said that recently, especially in the run-up to the last parliamentary elections, the face of unscrupulous politics has emerged more clearly through political shopping and party formation.
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The Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) will ignore any conspiracy to end the misrule, establish voting rights, establish democracy, eliminate the crisis in public life and continue the struggle to change the system and build a left democratic alternative power gathering.