Also Read - WildTeam celebrates World Environment Day
She also talked about major threats for ocean biodiversity degradation, role of coastal community to save biodiversity, sharks rays fisheries sector, common and rare species of sharks and rays, main reasons which threaten population of sharks and rays, what steps need to be taken immediately to save ocean biodiversity and also shared her future plan to save this giant beauties.
Suraiya Islam from WildTeam hosted the live session and made a productive conversation with Alifa.
During the session, 45 people were present in Noazesh Knowledge Centre group. Meherun Niger, from WildTeam also started a watch party in a group of Dhaka university, there almost 17 people joined.
At the end of session, Alifa shared her experience and gave some guidelines for the students who are interested in marine animal research.
‘Better understanding of oceans essential’
Marking the day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the upcoming United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development will provide impetus and a common framework for action.
"Better understanding of the oceans is essential for conserving fish stocks and discovering new products and medicines," the UN chief said as the World Ocean Day was celebrated globally on Monday.
Guterres said the COVID-19 pandemic is a sharp reminder of how they are all intimately connected – to each other and to nature.
Noazesh Knowledge Centre, WildTeam celebrate World Oceans Day 2020

An interactive live conversation was held with Alifa Bintha Haque on Facebook Live to celebrate “World Oceans Day 2020”.
The session was organised by the country’s knowledge hub Noazesh Knowledge Centre and WildTeam.
Alifa, one of the leading researchers of marine animals especially Sharks and Rays of Bay of Bengal, shared her journey towards sharks and rays research and conservation in Bangladesh.
She shared her experience on sharks and rays research in Bangladesh and abroad, said a press release on Tuesday.
Alifa talked about biodiversity of Bay of Bengal, contribution of marine fisheries, blue economy and its impact, contribution of ocean based industries like shipping, fishing, and tourism to the economy.