Organized by the Gujarat Provincial Government, the three day summit concluded on January 20, 2019. Indian Prime Narendra Modi, who initiated the Vibrant Gujarat series during his 13-year stint as the state’s chief minister, returned to inaugurate this year’s summit on Friday.
Prime Ministers from five countries and cabinet members from 15 different countries took part in the inaugural ceremony. Some 20 national chambers of commerce, spanning countries from Saarc, Asean, EU, Australia and Africa sent delegations.
Sheikh Fahim made a presentation on ‘Political -Economic Development of Bangladesh 2009-2018 and Vision 2041 of FBCCI’ during a session on the third day.
Fahim, managing director of Obsidian Bangladesh Ltd, also highlighted the significant transformation of Bangladesh into a technology and knowledge based economy with over 7.68% GDP growth.
The FBCCI leader also briefed about the private sector’s role in the fast growing development process of Bangladesh. Plus of course, the FBCCI’s Vision 2041was held up as well.