Myanmar government
Dhaka seeks solution to Rohingya crisis, wants Asia’s prosperity
Seeking a solution to the Rohingya crisis, Bangladesh has called for solidarity and cooperation with each other to achieve peace and security in Asia, making it a harmonious region of lasting peace and common prosperity.
4 years ago
Myanmar urged to ensure voting rights, restore citizenship rights for Rohingya
The government of Myanmar should ensure all voting-age Rohingya—including Rohingyas in Bangladesh—have the right to vote, said Fortify Rights on Friday as Myanmar is heading for next national elections.
4 years ago
UN to Myanmar: “Embrace democracy and human rights”
The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Yanghee Lee on Tuesday called on the Myanmar government to change course and embrace democracy and human rights during the presentation of her final report to the Human Rights Council.
4 years ago
Wheels of international justice finally turning for Rohingyas: HRW
The wheels of international justice are finally turning as two international courts are now examining whether Myanmar committed genocide and who should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, said Human Rights Watch.
5 years ago