Children trying new food
How to Encourage Your Child to Try New Food?
It is very natural that most of the children dislike a new food especially when it is first introduced. They love to be independent and like to eat familiar foods. Although they feel comfortable and safe with the usual menus, parents need to focus on nutrition also. Many new parents get confused about how to get their picky children to try new foods. Are you looking for ways to diversify the food-taste of your kid? If yes, continue reading to explore some awesome ways to inspire your kid to test new food.
Tips & tricks to cheer your kid to try a new food
Start new food at an early stage
It generally happens that children accept new foods at an early stage of life. So, introduce new food to your children when they are young. It would be more difficult to adopt new foods beyond youngsters.
Introduce new foods with old favorites
New food will be less scary to children if they see a favorite on their plate. For babies, you can add breastmilk or formula to diced foods. In the case of older children, it would be good to pair a new vegetable with a sauce they already like.
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Let them see you enjoy the food ( Role Modeling)
Children are always imitative. They like to try a new food if they see an adult ( parents, siblings, or grandparents) eating the same food. So, before serving a new kind of food to your kid, eat the food in front of them. And, pretend that you are enjoying the food very much.
3 years ago