Pregnancy stress management
Pregnancy Anxiety? How to reduce the stress of pregnant mothers?
It is natural to be confused sometimes while dealing with your signs and the changed lifestyle during pregnancy. It is really important to take care both of your mental and physical health in this stressful situation. Let’s find out how to control your stress as a pregnant mother.
Is it bad for your baby if You’re stressed?
If you feel more stress than usual and you find it difficult to adjust, of course, you need to consult your doctor. Utmost, constant stress can put you at higher risk of premature birth and having a baby born with low birth weight. So, you always need to be free from any type of anxiety or stress.
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10 Effective Stress Management Techniques during Pregnancy
Practise mindfulness
The best way to remove negative thoughts is to practice mindfulness. It means to pay full attention even in the small moments of life. If you can practice mindfulness regularly, it truly brings about significant mental health benefits. This practice will surely help you to reduce anxiety, stress, or depression during pregnancy. You can practice mindfulness meditation & yoga in this regard. Nowadays, various free and paid-for mindfulness courses, sessions, and apps are available.
Talk about your mental health
You need to talk to your midwife or doctor when you feel worried about your baby’s wellbeing, or anything else. Share to them the real thing. Of course, you will get the necessary support from your midwife. Moreover, you can share with your partner or your loved ones. If you share your bad feeling with your loved someone, you get relieved. Besides, meeting with other pregnant women at the same stage of pregnancy as you, you can get help from them.
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Eat well
Never forget that eating well is good for your brain, your body, and above all for your baby. So you must eat regular meals. If you don’t take a regular and balanced diet, your blood sugar can drop, and ultimately you feel tired and irritable. It is common that eating is not so easy during pregnancy but you need to try to eat even against your mind. Furthermore, in pregnancy, dehydration is not wishable at all because it hampers thinking clearly. So, drink required water, milk, fruit juice, herbal drinks, coffee, and tea.
Get more exercise
You can’t imagine how boastful exercise is during pregnancy! Exercise releases feel-good chemicals namely endorphins in your brain. Simple exercises like dancing and low-impact aerobics are safe in pregnancy to build up your heart rate. But, of course, avoid contact sports or something that is not safe for you.
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Swimming is one of the best exercises in pregnancy to keep you toned because it doesn’t put pressure on your joints. Then, for emotional wellbeing, you can try pregnancy yoga which will teach you breathing, relaxation, and meditation techniques. Besides, walking is the most awesome exercise in pregnancy.
Sort out money worries
Money worries can give you more stress as you may need to do unexpected expenses during giving birth. So, it would be better for you to make a list of your necessary items.
If you are going through financial hardships. Don’t stress about it. You can borrow some of the listed things from your friends or family members. Nowadays, second-hand baby items are available in the market. You can also buy those items. Don’t worry. Many family finances sections will assist you with plenty of ideas and you can find lots of handy money-saving tips there.
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Get enough rest and sleep
Don’t be late to listen to your body. Take a break or a nap, and go to bed early as soon as you feel tired or exhausted. We know sleep is important for everyone’s mental health and it is more important in pregnancy. If you have a job or you are already a mother, you need to reserve time for yourself. Take the help of your partner, a friend, or grandparent to look after your child or children for some time and utilize that time for taking rest.
Take a deep breath and focus on your baby
It is important for you to take some time and focus on your bump. You need to feel relaxed for the betterment of both of you and your baby. After 15 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can hear your voice. So, try to talk with your baby whenever you get time. Chatting, singing, and reading to your bump can be very helpful for your baby’s brain’s development. This will create a bond between you and your baby.
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Treat yourself
Try to laugh as much as possible because laughter in no way is the best way of relaxing. So, hang out with your partner or close friend, watch films especially funny or comedy films. Listing to a favorite podcast or reading a feel-good novel can you give you relaxation. Moreover, pregnancy is the perfect time to treat yourself. You can take safe beauty treatments this time. Pedicure or mini spa can best perfect. Do whatever you most like to do. Be nice to yourself. You deserve it.
Write about it
During pregnancy, surprising things happen to us. Sometimes you may need to talk to your loved ones to feel relaxed but your wish cannot be fulfilled due to diverse reasons. Then, you can write your thoughts to share with that person later. Otherwise, you may forget the sweets memos of those times. Besides, you can try writing practice. For instance, you can start writing a personal diary. Who knows you can write the best book in the world about a mother’s feelings during pregnancy?
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Empower yourself
The fear of childbirth is called tokophobia. If you are really very worried about your childbirth, you can sign up for a birth class online or offline. From this class, you will be able to learn about the different stages of pregnancy. You will find available suggestions in those classes about how to deal with pain and so on.
3 years ago