A Gazipur court on Sunday placed Zia bin Qasim, a follower of Maulana Saad Kandlavi, on a two-day remand in a case over the violent clashes between two factions of Tabligh Jamaat at the Biswa Ijtema ground in Tongi over control of the venue.
Judge of the Gazipur Metropolitan Magistrate Court-5 Iqbal Hossain passed the order when police produced him before the court with a seven-day remand prayer.
Md Ahsan Ullah, Gazipur court inspector said Qasim was produced before the court amid tight security.
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The supporters of Zubair staged demonstrations demanding punishment of Qasim.
Police arrested Qasim from Chattogram’s Double Mooring area on Saturday.
He was the number 6 accused in the case filed by Maulana Zubair's follower SM Alam Hossain.
M Alam Hossain filed the murder case with Tongi Police Station against 29 people at the Tongi West Police Station.
Clash on Ijtema ground: Saad’s follower placed on 3-day remand
Another chargesheeted accused in the case Mufti Muaz bin Noor was arrested from Dhaka’s Uttara. He is now in Kashimpur jail.
Four people were killed and 40 others injured in a clash between two factions of Tabligh Jamaat at the Biswa Ijtema ground in Tongi on December 18.