summer fruit
Prolonged heat wave, drought threaten litchi production in Pabna
The ongoing heat wave condition and drought have posed a serious threat to the production of litchi, a mouth-watering summer fruit, in Pabna district.
Pabna’s Iswardi upazila is known as one of the leading litchi production zones in the country. But this year, farmers and traders are fearing losses as small litchi pods are falling from the trees due to the prevailing heat wave.
At the beginning of this season, litchi farmers had expected a bumper production of litchi but 50% of buds had fallen due to the heavy rains with hails in the middle of Chaitra (Bangla) month.
On the other hand, due to the extreme heat at the beginning of summer, a large part of the litchi pods are now falling.
If summer heat continues, the litchi farmers have to count a huge loss this year.
High temperature, lack of rain threaten lucrative litchi production in Magura
Besides, the wholesale traders who had bought the orchards with the sprouting of trees have become worried over possible losses this season.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), this year, a total of 4,721 hectares of land have been brought under litchi cultivation and among these, 3,150 hectares are in Ishwardi upazila of the district.
They also set a target to produce 48,801 metric tonnes of litchi this year.
During a recent visit to some litchi orchards, the UNB correspondent found that at the beginning of the month of Falgun, there were enough buds coming in each litchi tree. Seeing a lot of buds on trees, the traders bought the orchards at a higher price in advance.
But due to the ongoing drought and untimely rains with hailstorm at the end of Chaitra, most of the buds have been damaged.
Mirajul Sheikh, a litchi grower of Ishwardi upazila, said about 40-50 percent litchi buds were destroyed during hailstorm but now a large portion of litchi pods are dropping due to the prevailing heat wave.
Sonargaon litchi growers expecting bumper yield
Manirul, a trader, said he had bought a litchi orchard at a cost of Tk 25 lakh but he is too frustrated. He is now doubtful whether he will be able to sell litchi worth Tk 10 lakh.Though the DAE officials suggested the farmers to spray water and continue irrigation but farmers said it is not possible to spray water in vast tract of land that was brought under litchi cultivation.However, the DAE officials are still expecting bumper production this year.Sheikh Mehedi, a litchi grower and trader, said the biggest economic activity of the farmers of Ishwardi upazila depends on litchi production. Farmers of the upazila will be severely affected if they don’t get expected output .
Jamal Uddin, deputy director of Pabna DAE, said this year, litchi trees saw profuse flowering and if litchi comes from half of those it will be huge.
However, some litchi are being damaged due to drought and the current heat wave.
Farmers are being suggested to spray water on the upper side of the litchi trees and irrigate the lands, he added.Read more: Severe heatwave in Khulna: Day labourers forced to work in dangerous conditions
8 months ago
7 Delicious Palm (Tal) Fruit or Ice Apple Recipes for Summer 2023
Palm is recognized by various names, commonly referred to as the doub palm, panai maram, palmyra palm, tala or tal palm, wine palm, toddy palm, or ice apple. This sweet and juicy summer fruit is cultivated in South Asia and South-east Asia. Besides, bestowing delicious taste, palm or ice apple can provide potential health benefits. It is an abundant source of essential nutrients such as vitamins B and C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, and riboflavin. This fruit is also good for the diabetic people.
7 Best Recipes to prepare from Palm Fruit or Ice Apple
Palm can be enjoyed raw or mixed with other dishes for added flavor. In Bengali cuisine, palm fruit is utilized in the preparation of various popular dishes, desserts, and sweets. These include palm candy, pitha, payesh, bora, kheer, and so many more. We have gathered versatile use of palm for delightful Bengali foods.
Palm Fritters (Taler Bora)
1 medium size palm or 3 cups of pulp, 1 ½ cups whole wheat flour, ½ cup rice flour, ½ cup suji, 1 cup freshly scraped coconut, 1 ½ cup sugar: 11/2 cup, ½ teaspoon salt, and oil for frying.
To start, extract the pulp from ripe palm fruits. Transfer it to a heavy-bottomed pan and cook the pulp over low heat. Meanwhile, keep stirring. Be careful not to let it boil. After about 5-6 minutes remove the pan from the heat. Then add the required amount of sugar to enhance the taste, starting with a smaller amount.
Read more: 7 Mouthwatering Black Plum (Jaam) Recipes for Summer 2023
After a 5 minute cooling period, add flour, suji, and salt to the mixture. Mix everything well until a thick dough-like batter is formed. Adjust the sugar if necessary, and then add the coconut.
In a separate heavy-bottomed pan, heat oil over low-medium heat. Take small scoops of the batter and drop it into the hot oil. Frying them on medium heat, it may take approximately 9-10 minutes to turn a golden brown color. Make sure to fry them evenly, and once done, strain any excess oil.
For the best taste and texture, let the fritters sit overnight, as the flavors will develop and the outer skin will soften. Your sweet delicious palm fritters or taler bora is ready to be enjoyed, even for the next few days if preserved rightly.
Read more: Litchis for Summer 2023: 7 Mouthwatering Dessert Recipes
Taler Kheer
2 cups palm pulp, 1 cup milk, ¾ cup sugar, ½ cup grated coconut, and ¼ cup milk powder (optional).
Create a puree using ripe palm and set it aside. Place the milk on heat, bring it to a boil, and then lower the flame. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and stir continuously. Next, add milk powder and give it a good stir to ensure there are no lumps. This will thicken the milk. After that, remove the mixture from the heat.
In another pan, take the palm puree and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue cooking until the moisture evaporates, resulting in a thick paste. Add sugar to the paste and cook for an additional 7-8 minutes over medium heat. Stir constantly until the color darkens. At this stage, add grated coconut, mix thoroughly, and cook for an extra 2 minutes.
Read more: 10 Best Mango Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day
Now, combine the palm paste with the milk and mix quickly. Cook it over low heat for 5 minutes until you reach the desired consistency. Turn off the heat and transfer the mixture to a bowl. Allow it to cool and serve chilled, garnished with nuts or your preferred toppings.
Easy Ice Apple Juice (Taler Shash er Juice)
4 ice apple, 1 cup water, and sugar 2 tablespoon (optional)
To begin, clean the palm seeds (Taler Shash) or ice apples thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities. Next in a blender take the ice apples and blend until smooth. Then pour half of the water and blend again.
Read more: Delicious Jackfruit Recipes to Try Out Today
In this stage, keep in mind that the juiciness and texture of the ice apples may vary depending on their maturity. Usually the tender ones are juicy and squishy. So be careful of your apple types and mix the required water and blend once more.
Normally this is very tasty and refreshing. However, if desired, add sugar as per your taste. Serve it instantly with ice.
Ice Apple (Palm seeds or Taler Shash) Sherbet
6 ice apples, 10 gram cardamom, and 5 milliliter fresh lime juice.
First, extract the Ice apples (Palm seeds or Taler Shash) from palms and clean them from any dirt or impurities. Then, remove the white skin from the fruit. After that, roast cardamom and grind it to a powder form. Add hot water to the powder and cover it to get the extract of cardamom. In a blender take the Ice apples and strained cardamom juice.
Read more: Homemade Ice Cream Recipes Using Seasonal Fruits for This Summer
Blend the mixture until smooth and add fresh lime juice. Mix it again and then freeze the mixture until it reaches a firm consistency. Bring it out, use an ice cream churner to churn it and your sherbet is ready to enjoy. When serving, sprinkle cardamom powder on top for an appealing garnish.
1 year ago
7 Mouthwatering Black Plum (Jaam) Recipes for Summer 2023
Black plum, or Jaam, is a native fruit in the countries of southern Asia. This fruit is also called Jambul or Jamun or Jamblang or Jambhul, or Kaalo Jaam. In Bangladesh, Jaam is popular for its sweet taste and vibrant color. Packed with protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this summer fruit offers numerous health benefits. It’s full of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and B6.
Black plum improves blood health through enhancing hemoglobin count. It improves skin and eye health, and guards against conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease. It aids digestion, relieves stomach pain and arthritis, and assists in managing type 2 diabetes symptoms.
With its rich nutritional profile, black plum is a valuable addition to a summer diet, providing a delicious way to boost overall health.
7 Versatile Black Plum (Jaam) Recipes
Eating black plum as a fruit is not the sole way to enjoy it. Explore these 7 innovative recipes.
Black Plum Chutney
250 gram black plum, 1 tablespoon panchphoran, 2 dried chillies. 1 tablespoon oil, ½ tablespoon salt, ¼ cup sugar, ¼ cup jaggery and ¼ cup water
Start with heating oil and spices in a pan. When the ingredients are cooked properly, add black plum and saute for a while. Then add sugar, salt, and jaggery. Cover the pan and cook for some time.
After 10 minutes remove the cover and continue cooking uncovered for the time left. It’ll help to evaporate the water. After cooking properly, strain the pulp to remove the seeds. Throw away the seeds and start reheating the pulp. Heat until it reaches a boil point. Then let the cutney cool down. Finally, store it in a glass jar. Your delicious black plum chutney is ready to enjoy.
Read more: Litchis for Summer 2023: 7 Mouthwatering Dessert Recipes
Black Plum Jam
1 kilogram black plum, 1 ½ cup sugar, and 1 lime.
First wash the black plums thoroughly. Next cook the plum with ¼ cup of water for 5 minutes. And let it cool down. Then strain the mixture and remove the seeds. You can keep it rough and raw like this or blend it for a smoother texture.
In a separate pan, take ½ cup of water, sugar, and lime. Keep stirring. Bring the liquid to a boil and then add the pre-made plum paste. Cook the mixture for around 5 minutes. And then remove the combination from heat. Wait for some time. Pour the mixture in a glass jar while it's still slightly hot. Let the jam fully cool down. Finally, store the jam in the refrigerator. Your squishy sweet jam is ready.
Read more: 10 Best Mango Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day
Black Plum Sorbet
600 grams black plums, 5 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, and 2 tablespoons lime juice.
Forst, make pulp from the black plums. Next, add sugar, lime juice, and salt to the pulp. Blend all the ingredients together into a smooth paste. Strain the paste for smoother puree. Taste it and adjust salt, and lime as per taste. Then pour the mixture in a plastic box and layer it with plastic wrap. Cover the box with additional plastic wrap or parchment paper to prevent forming crystals.
Freeze it for 4-5 hours. Once frozen, garnish with chaat masala and lime juice.
Read more: 5 Mouth-watering Mango Pickle Recipes to Cherish This Summer
Black Plum Mint Popsicles
500 grams black plums (deseeded), a few sprigs of mint, 1 lime (juiced), and 2 tablespoon sugar (optional)
This delicious recipe is super easy in this scorching hot summer. It will take you only 10-15 minutes to prepare.
Begin with washing the plums of any dirt or bugs. Next, deseed them. Now take the ingredients including plums, lime juice, sugar, and mint leaves in a blender. Blend them until the mixture forms a smooth and thick paste. Strain for any unexpected chunks. And pour the puree into popsicle molds. Insert the sticks and freeze them for approximately 3 hours or until they turn solid.
Bring out them, demold, and enjoy your refreshing popsicles.
Read more: Delicious Jackfruit Recipes to Try Out Today
1 year ago
Litchis for Summer 2023: 7 Mouthwatering Dessert Recipes
Lychees or litchis are one of the summer fruits everyone eagerly waits for in Bangladesh. This fruit is widely cultivated in the subtropical areas including Southeast Asia and China. Litchis are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Litchi is popular for its wide range of health benefits.
Litchis can help to improve heart health and may reduce risk of cancer and diabetes. It can fight against liver cancer. It can boost hair growth. This fruit is also good for skin. It is beneficial for chronic disease reduction.
Everyone loves the chewy, sweet taste of litchis. You can’t miss the short period of this seasonal fruit. Apart from eating fresh litchis, you can also try dessert recipes at home. Here, we offer 7 litchi dessert recipes that you must try before this summer ends.
7 Mouthwatering Litchi Dessert Recipes
Litchi Popsicles
500 grams litchi, 125 gram vanilla ice cream, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon rosewater, and rose petal (optional).
First of all put all the ingredients including litchi, ice cream, sugar, lemon juice and rose water in a blender. Start blending from low speed and gradually increasing to medium speed. Keep blending until it becomes smooth without forming any bubbles. Taste the drink and adjust sweetness to your liking.
Then pour the liquid into the popsicle molds. Keep stirring continuously while transferring the mix. After that insert the sticks into the mold and freeze it for 7-8 hours or better overnight. Bring the pop molds out from the freeze. Now, your tasty popsicles are ready!
Read more: 10 Best Mango Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day
Litchi Sorbet
500 grams fresh litchis, 100 grams icing sugar, 1 ½ cup water and ½ lime (juiced)
First wash the litchis and remove the seeds. Then start with litchi flesh, sugar and water. Put them all in a pan and wait for boiling. Keep stirring to ensure that the sugar dissolves completely. After boiling the mix well, wait for it to be cool.
After cooling, blend the syrup, litchi and lime juice altogether in a food processor. Keep blending until the combination reaches the desired consistency. You can sieve it if you prefer a smoother texture or just leave it like that.
Now, freeze the mix. When it gets solid, break them into smaller pieces and churn it for another 5-10 minutes. Freeze it again. Now, delicious litchi sorbet is ready to be enjoyed.
Read more: Health benefits of floral teas: 10 blends you can try
Litchi Ice Cream
2 cups fresh litchi, ½ cup cream, ¾ cup condensed milk, 1 cup milk, 4 egg yolks, ½ cup sugar and one pinch salt.
Begin with preparing the litchis. Wash them thoroughly, peel and separate the flesh from the seeds. Now blend the litchi flesh smoothly. Then pour the puree, and cream together in a bowl and give the mix a stir.
Place milk and condensed milk in a small saucepan and heat the combo gently at low temperature until it starts steaming. Next, take egg yolk, required amount of sugar, and a bit of salt in a separate bowl and whisk them. Now pour the milk mixture into this bowl. And stir continuously.
Heat the mixture at medium temperature until it reaches a perfect consistency. Continue stirring until the mixture coats the back of the spoon. Now, it's almost ready.
At this point, pour the litchi puree that was prepared before into this mixture. After that mix the whole combination well and then cool it down. To make ice cream the instructions of the ice cream maker need to be followed.
Without an ice cream maker, you can make it in the freezer. Place the custard in the freezer and after an hour bring it out. Give it a good whisking or blend. Put it back in the freezer. Repeat this for a few times until it reaches a creamy and soft consistency. Finally freeze it in an ice cream container and after a few hours enjoy your creamy, sweet litchi ice cream.
Read more: 5 Mouth-watering Mango Pickle Recipes to Cherish This Summer
Litchi Mousse
1 can litchi in syrup, 2 tablespoons icing sugar, 1 ½ teaspoons gelatin powder, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 2 teaspoons syrup from the lychee can, 150ml thickened cream and 1 egg white.
For this recipe you may use canned litchi or fresh litchi as per choice.
In case of fresh litchi, make some litchi syrup by boiling lychee and sugar together nicely. While using canned litchi, first separate lychee and the syrup. Keep the syrup aside. Now blend the lychee into smooth puree. Mix lemon juice, and litchi syrup in a bowl. In this liquid add gelatin powder and place the bowl over hot water to dissolve the gelatin.
At this stage combine the litchi puree and gelatin mixture very well and leave it in the fridge. Then whip the cream and egg whites separately. Mix the whipped cream with the litchi mixture thoroughly. And gently fold in the whipped egg whites. Now serve this mouthwatering lychee mousse.
Read more: 10 Healthy Gluten-free Breakfast Recipes
1 year ago
10 Best Mango Breakfast Recipes to Start Your Day
Mango is a native fruit of southern Asia. This incredibly delicious fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Mango is enriched with fiber, folate, vitamin K, vitamin C, beta-carotene, magnesium and potassium. It promotes cardiovascular health; and aids in maintaining a stable digestive system. On top of that, mango can help to minimize the risk of cancer. Apart from the numerous health benefits, the exceptionally versatile fruit mango can be easily blended with everyday recipes and meals.
10 Healthy Mango Recipe Ideas for Breakfast
Mango, the ‘King of Fruits’ is one of the best things of summer. Many people wait for the summer season just for their love for mangoes. Here we have gathered 10 best mango breakfast recipes to enhance your summer experience even more delightful.
Mango Smoothie
2 mangoes (fresh), 1 small banana (fresh), ½ cup yogurt, honey, ½ cup orange juice, honey and ice cubes.
For best flavor use fully ripe fresh mangoes. First slice the mango into approximately ½ inch chunks, place them in a container, and freeze them. It is better to do the previous day. Bananas and yogurt make the beverage smooth and creamy. For sweetening add honey as per your taste.
To ensure that the frozen ingredients blend well, start by adding the ice cubes and frozen mango chunks, with banana, yogurt, and orange juice. Start to blend at medium speed to break down the larger chunks, then increase the high speed. Continue blending until the mixture becomes smooth, thick, and creamy.
Taste the drink and add extra honey if desired. This is the perfect, easy and convenient way to start a day.
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Mango Yogurt Parfait
1 cup ripe mango pulp, 1 cup chopped mango, 1 cup plain yogurt, ½ cup cream, 3 tablespoon icing sugar, and 8-10 pieces biscuits crumbs.
First combine cream, yogurt, and icing sugar in a bowl. Next, crush biscuits and add two tablespoons of mango pulp to them. Then, take another bowl and mix two tablespoons of the cream mixture into the mango pulp.
Now take a glass. In the glass, at first layer one tablespoon of crushed biscuits followed by two tablespoons of the mango pulp mixture. Then repeat with another layer of the crushed biscuits mixture. Finally, add the cream-yogurt mixture. Decorate with chopped mango and cream. Serve it as chilled. This presents a more sophisticated yet impressive choice for special occasions.
Read more: Health benefits of floral teas: 10 blends you can try
Mango Oatmeal
½ cup quick-cooking oats, ½ cup fresh mango slices, 2 tablespoon almonds (whole or sliced), dash of cinnamon, and dash of nutmeg.
The process for this breakfast dish consists of two main steps: oatmeal preparation, and adding mangoes with toppings.
First bring water to a boil, add the oats, and simmer them over low heat until they reach your desired consistency. The oatmeal can be cooked via microwave or stove.
Once the oatmeal is ready, simply incorporate the mango slices and then sprinkle on top some almonds, cinnamon, and nutmeg. You may add other toppings of your choice. This wholesome and nourishing breakfast option is perfect to start your day.
Read more: 5 Mouth-watering Mango Pickle Recipes to Cherish This Summer
Mango Salad with Lime
2 fresh ripe mangos, 1 red bell pepper, ½ cucumber, ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion, ¼ cup chopped fresh mint, 2 tablespoons chopped coriander, 3 tablespoons lime juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, ½ tablespoon honey, ¼ teaspoon salt and fresh ground black pepper.
First, cut the mangoes into small pieces. Next, dice the bell pepper and chop the cucumber. Proceed to thinly slice the red onion, and then finely chop the mint and coriander. Finally combine all the prepared ingredients in a medium-sized bowl.
Take a separate small bowl, whisk together lime juice, olive oil, and honey. Pour this dressing over the mango and vegetable mixture, and add salt to your taste. Mix all the ingredients together properly.
The salad can be refrigerated and enjoyed for up to three days. This light and revitalizing salad is a perfect choice for a refreshing summer breakfast.
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Mango Toast
2 tablespoon low-fat natural or Greek yogurt, ¼ ripe mango, and 1 slice wholegrain bread.
First, place the bread into the toaster or oven to prepare toast. It will take a minute. Meanwhile, wash the mango in plain water. Then, cut, peel and slice the mango. Once the toast has been cooled down, spread yogurt on top of it. Arrange the mango slices on the yogurt-covered toast and serve promptly. This uncomplicated and effortless breakfast is ideal for a hectic morning.
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1 year ago