How to Keep Your Baby Comfortable and Healthy While Using Air Conditioner or Cooler
In Bangladesh's hot weather, air conditioners (ACs) and coolers often become necessities to beat the heat. However, as a parent, ensuring your baby’s comfort and wellbeing in such environments can be tricky. Babies are more sensitive to temperature changes, and without proper care, they might catch a cold. So, how do you balance the need for cooling while keeping your baby healthy?
Why Babies Catch Cold Under ACs
Babies Have Weaker Immune Systems
Babies, especially newborns, have developing immune systems. This means they are more susceptible to catching colds and infections, which can be triggered by their surrounding ambients, such as exposure to cold air from ACs.
Rapid Temperature Changes
One key reason babies catch cold under ACs is the rapid shift from warm to cool temperatures. Imagine stepping out of a hot, humid day into a chilled room—you will feel the difference immediately. For babies, such abrupt changes in temperature can hurt their respiratory system, making them more prone to colds and related illnesses.
Read more: How to comfortably travel with babies
Dry Air in AC Rooms
ACs tend to remove moisture from the air and make the room dry. Babies’ nasal passages can get dried out, making them more vulnerable to respiratory issues and colds. They may also experience dry skin, which can lead to discomfort.
Babies' Inability to Regulate Body Temperature
Unlike adults, babies cannot regulate their body temperature effectively. This means they might feel colder or warmer than you do under the same conditions. Though a room’s temperature might seem comfy for grown-up children and adults, it can be too cold for a baby, increasing risk of catching a cold.
4 months ago
How to Clean Baby Bottles
Many parents choose bottle feeding for their babies. If you don’t compromise your child’s health and safety, it's requisite and important to properly wash and sanitize the baby’s feeding equipment. The process includes cleaning or sterilizing each bottle with the teat, and screw cap after every feed until they are at least 12 months old. Let’s take a look at the proper tips and tricks to n and sterilize baby bottles.
Health risks of babies for using unsanitized feeding bottles
Babies under 3 months old are more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria as their immune systems are underdeveloped. The South Australian Women's and Children's Health Network stresses that it is important to sterilize bottles to prevent sickness in infants up to the age of 6 months — or even up to a year. If the bottle is not washed or poorly washed bottles after each feed, it may expose your baby to certain risks, including:
Tooth Decay
Generally, tooth decay in babies can occur as the result of vulnerability to liquids for a long time like if you allow them to sleep with a bottle that contains juice. When a baby sleeps with keeping juice or liquid like milk in their mouth, this liquid allows acid-producing bacteria to build up in their mouth and cause teeth decay.
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According to the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency, formula milk contains bacteria and they can multiply if a bottle is left at room temperature.
Rotavirus is a type of stomach bug that can spread from touching contaminated objects or surfaces. So, it is imperative for you to wash your hands frequently, especially before preparing baby bottles.
Cronobacter Infections
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the national public health agency of the USA, Cronobacter germs can contaminate dry, powdered foods including infant formula and, subsequently, baby bottles.
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This type of bacteria can cause a very rare but life-threatening blood infection called sepsis. Sepsis can happen particularly in infants.
Right ways to keep baby bottles & other feeding equipment clean
Properly Wash Your Own Hands
Many people forget this important and crucial first step. Research has shown that about 97% of people don’t wash their hands properly before preparing baby bottles. For this reason, most of the cross-contamination happens. Therefore, make sure you have thoroughly sanitized your hands before preparing baby bottles.
However, if you are about to feed the baby with a bottle while staying outside the home, try to use sanitizer or find the nearest restroom to wash your own hands thoroughly with soapy water so that you can prevent yourself from transmitting germs onto the bottle or nipple.
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Wash Bottle Parts Separately with Warm Water
You need to wash every and each part of the baby bottles. Don’t focus on the type of bottle you're using. Separate every component and wash each part properly.
Then, rinse each part of your bottle under running Water. Though you can rinse the baby’s feeding equipment under cold or warm water. It is wise to rinse the bottles and equipment under warm water. Warm water helps to kill germs.
Scrub in Soapy Water
When your rinsing the bottle parts under running water is done, fill a separate basin with hot water and soap. You need to use a dedicated brush to scrub each part individually. However, make sure you use this brush to clean the baby bottles only.
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You can also use a good dishwasher instead of soap to wash every part of the baby’s feeding equipment.
You can dip the bottle parts under the dishwasher mixed water or soapy water for some time.
When brushing is done, rinse each part of the bottles and other feeding tools under running water again.
Dry on a Rack or Clean Space
After washing dry every part of the bottle or feeding equipment with a clean paper towel or dish towel, and store them in a dust-free, clean space. Let them air dry but not patting them dry, as patting them dry can transfer germs from the towel to the newly cleaned bottle.
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Other Ways of Sanitizing Baby Bottles
There are several ways you can sterilize, sanitize and clean your baby bottle:
Boiling sterilization
Boiling is the most reliable way of sterilizing baby bottle-feeding equipment. So boil all equipment after every use or within 24 hours of use.
First, take the washed bottles, teats, rings, and caps in a large pot and fill the pot with sufficient water so that everything is covered. Make sure all air bubbles are disappeared. Then boil everything for 5-6 minutes. When everything is cool, take them out with tongs or clean hands. Throw off excess water. It is not necessary to dry the bottles. Finally, store them in a clean container in the fridge.
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Chemical sterilization
This is the way where you can sterilize baby bottles with an antibacterial solution that is available in liquid or tablet form. This is one type of bleach that is mixed easily with water. Although it is enough strong to kill bacteria, it’s safe for your baby.
First, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to make up the solution the right way. Remember, the solution will work correctly when it’s made at the right strength. Completely drown-washed bottles, especially every part of the bottles including teats, rings, and caps.
Let everything keep in the solution for the recommended time. You can keep the equipment in the solution for the whole day. Remove equipment using tongs. Remove excess solution, but don’t need to dry the equipment. Store everything in a clean container and put the container in the fridge.
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Steam sterilization
In this system, you heat your equipment to a temperature high enough to kill bacteria. First, keep clean equipment in the unit and add water following the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, on the switch.
As it is automated, the unit switches itself off when the work is completed. Store equipment in a clean container and you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions to know the exact time you can store sterilized equipment.
Microwave sterilization
Microwave sterilization is like steam sterilization.
First, see the instructions carefully and check the microwave power needed. However, make sure you don’t put anything made of metal inside these sterilizers.
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Don't put your equipment straight into the microwave to sterilize it because this won’t work rather your equipment will melt or get damaged.
Bottom Line
So far we have discussed the simple steps to clean baby bottles efficiently. You can also follow the sterilization methods to get your baby's bottle and other feeding types of equipment sanitized and ready for use to avoid the risks of bacterial infection or contamination. Don’t forget to clean the bottle just after every feeding to prevent any bacterial contamination.
2 years ago
Best foods for expecting mothers
Staying healthy and fit during the days of pregnancy can assist in the proper growth of the unborn child. By consuming a healthy diet, a pregnant mother can get the proper proteins, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients required by her body and the fetus. To support the health of a pregnant mother and baby's growth, the mother’s regular diet should include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Here are some of the best foods and drinks for women who are expecting.
13 super-nutritious foods and drinks for pregnant mothers
Whole grains
In contrast to their refined counterparts, whole grains are brimming with vitamins, fiber, and plant-based chemical compounds.
Health Benefits:
Certain whole grains, such as oats and quinoa, have a good amount of protein. They also trigger missing points during pregnancy, such as B vitamins, fiber, and magnesium.
Required amount per day:
6-8 servings of grain during pregnancy.
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Sweet potatoes
Calories, Water, Protein, Carbs, Sugar, Fiber, Fat
Health Benefits:
Carotenoids from sweet potatoes may reduce your risk of getting cancer. Sweet potatoes contain compounds that can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Studies have shown that sweet potatoes may reduce cholesterol levels. LDL is "bad" cholesterol which could reduce your risk of developing heart issues.
They are abundant in beta carotene. It is a plant-based compound that converts into vitamin A by your body.
Vitamin A is vital for the growth of babies. Beware of high levels of animal-based sources of vitamins, including organ meats, that can cause toxic effects.
Required amount per day:
A pregnant woman's diet should contain about 90 milligrams of Vitamin C daily. A teaspoon of sweet potatoes will give at least a third of the amount.
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The food group includes legumes, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts.
Legumes are surprisingly healthy. It includes B Vitamins, Iron folate, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron.
Health Benefits:
Folate is among the most important B vitamin (B9). It's essential for your baby and you, particularly during the first trimester.
Required amount per day:
A pregnant mother needs at least 600 milligrams (mcg) in folate.
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One egg is approximately the equivalent of 147 milligrams (mg). An egg contains a small number of calories, 7 grams of high-quality quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat. It also comes with vitamins, iron, carotenoids, and minerals. Eggs are full of anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as zeaxanthin and lutein.
Health Benefits:
Eggs are an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient for pregnant women. It's critical to the brain development of babies and can help to prevent the development of abnormalities in the spine and brain.
Required amount per day:
Consuming two eggs daily during pregnancy will help a pregnant mom gain the protein and nutrients required.
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Broccoli, leafy and greens
Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C Manganese, Vitamin B6 Calcium, Copper, Potassium Magnesium, Manganese
Health Benefits:
Broccoli and dark, green vegetables like Kale or spinach are rich in the nutrients you'll require. They're an abundance of goodness from the green.
Incorporating portions of green vegetables is an excellent method of absorbing vitamins and avoiding constipation because of the amount of fiber. Vegetables are also associated with a decreased chance of having a baby with low birth weight.
Required amount per day:
For pregnant women, experts recommend eating 2 cups of fruit.
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Proteins and lean meats
Lean meats like beef and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein. Beef is high in iron, choline, and other B vitamins, which are necessary for more significant amounts during your pregnancy.
Health Benefits:
Iron is a mineral essential utilized by the red blood cells as a component of hemoglobin. You'll require more iron because the volume of blood is growing. Iron is especially crucial in the third trimester of your pregnancy.
Low iron levels in early and mid-term pregnancy can cause anemia caused by iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can increase the chance of having a low birth weight.
Required amount per day:
Most pregnant women need to consume around 70g of protein daily to meet their daily requirements.
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Berries contain a wealth of goodness within their tiny packaging, including water and nutritious carbs, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.
Health Benefits:
Berries have a relatively low glycemic index and, therefore, should not trigger significant increases in blood sugar. They are also fantastic snacks packed with both fiber and water. The best fruits to consume during pregnancy include blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, goji berries, and Acai berries. Try this blueberry juice to get some ideas.
Required amount per day:
5 cups a day along with other fruits at the beginning of the pregnancy and 6 cups a day by the third trimester.
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Dried fruit
Dried fruit is rich in nutrients, calories, and diverse minerals and vitamins, including folate, iron, folate, and potassium.
Health Benefits:
Dried fruit may serve as natural laxatives that can help relieve constipation. Potassium, fiber, iron, and other phytochemicals are available on dates. But dried fruits have high levels of sugar that are naturally produced.
Required amount per day:
Not more than 100 grams of dry fruits in a day.
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Fish liver oil
The oil of fish liver is made from the oily livers of fish, usually cod. It's high in omega-3 acid fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are crucial for the brain and eyes of a fetus. Development.
Health Benefits:
Fish oil supplementation may aid in preventing preterm birth and could benefit the fetus' eye development.
One serving (1 teaspoon of 15 milliliters) of fish liver oil is more than the daily consumption of omega-3, vitamin D as well as vitamin A.
Required amount per day:
However, it's not advised that you consume more than one serving daily because too much vitamin A in the form of preformed could be harmful to your child.
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Walnuts are among the best sources of plant-based omega-3s. They are also rich sources of magnesium, fiber, and proteins.
Health Benefits:
Walnuts are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which lower oxidative stress within the brain. It also helps improve neurogenesis, which is the process of creating neurons. Consuming walnuts during pregnancy is beneficial to your brain and the fetus. Foetus.
Required amount per day:
4 to 5 walnuts per day is enough.
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Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt typically doubles as much protein as regular yogurt does. It's also a good food source for probiotics, vitamin B, phosphorus, and calcium.
Health Benefits:
Calcium keeps your bones strong and can help your baby build a strong skeleton. Yogurt can be a great breakfast food item and a great ingredient to add to your savory meals.
Required amount per day:
Consuming at least two cups of yogurt daily.
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Healthiest drinks for pregnant mothers
Milk is rich in calories, protein, fat, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin (B2), vitamin B12, potassium
Health Benefits:
Soymilk or milk is an excellent source of protein and calcium and should be a part of a pregnant woman's diet. The calcium content during pregnancy is essential in helping build strong bones for the developing baby.
Required amount per day:
A pregnant woman needs to drink a minimum of 3 cups of milk (low-fat) milk.
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Drinking water has a variety of electrolytes (substances in a solution that carry electricity) comprising fluoride, calcium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.
Health Benefits:
Water is essential for absorption and digestion functions and helps lubricate mucous membranes in the respiratory and digestive tract.
It is essential to drink plenty of water. Particularly pregnant women. The volume of blood rises by 45 percent. The body channels water to your infant; however, if you aren't attentive to your water intake, you may also be dehydrated.
More Benefits:
-Decreases constipation/hemorrhoids.
-Reduces swelling.
-Softens skin.
-It increases energy.
-Keeps you cooler.
-Lowers risks of Urinary tract infections.
-Reduces the chance of preterm labor and preterm birth.
Required amount per day:
During pregnancy, consuming 8-12 cups (64 to 96 inches) of water is recommended daily.
Read How to comfortably travel with babies
Bottom Line
To assure the healthy growth of the fetus, the pregnant mother needs to consume nutrient-rich foods that are part of an omnivorous diet of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, Lean proteins, and healthy fats.
So far, we have suggested 13 healthy foods and drinks for pregnant mothers. There is a myriad of healthy food options in different regions of the country. If you are expecting, make sure your healthcare provider is aware of your food choices and let them help you through a pregnancy diet plan. Stay safe and healthy!
2 years ago
Mahiya Mahi set for motherhood
Popular Dhallywood actress Mahiya Mahi announced her pregnancy on Monday night through her social media handle.“I have never been as happy as I am right now. Soon I am going to be a mom,” she announced via a Facebook post on her profile.The actress also revealed and confirmed to the media that she is going to become a mother, saying that she had discovered this wonderful news for two months now.Mahia Mahi stated, "I cannot express my happiness in words. Having the best time of my life. Keep praying for us, perhaps after 6-7 months I will be able to announce the arrival of our new guest.”Last year on September 13, Mahi tied the knot to businessman Rakib Sarker. Tuesday marks the first anniversary of their marriage.Mahi’s latest movie ‘Live’ starring Symon Sadik is currently running across theatres, receiving rave reviews.
Also read: Pori Moni, Razz have baby boy
2 years ago
How to comfortably travel with babies
Usually travelling with a baby or a toddler is troublesome. Babies need some additional stuff. It may happen that parents forget to pack an essential thing before the journey or get frustrated by the agile child. To prevent such mishaps you need to be cautious. Whether it is a plane, train, or road trip with your infant or toddler, organised preparation can make your vacation easy, joyous and trouble free. Check here for proven tips for travelling with a baby.
15 Tips to Travel Safely with Babies
Get to the spot early
Remember flying with a baby takes crucially more time than travelling on your own. Try to arrive 30 minutes to 20 minutes before your flight so that you cannot sweat thinking about missing your flight. Here the simple fact is that travelling stress is dictated by your departure time. When you hustle to reach the bus terminal, train station or airport you go through extra stress.
Therefore, it would be wise to reach the spot early to entertain your baby for a longer stretch of time outside the comforts of home. Besides, it gives you a chance to feed your baby, and do the other necessary procedures in a relaxed manner.
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Prepare for the climate
While planning a vacation, it is a very essential part to be aware of the climate. Sometimes, you need to travel from a cold climate to a warm climate, or vice versa. If you are planning to travel to a cold destination, make sure you bring extra warm clothes for you and the baby. While touring in a hot destination with warm climate, pack comfy wear for the baby and for adults bring shorts, T-shirts and soft comfortable cotton wear.
Travel light
You can’t take everything when you make a journey with your baby. If you leave most of the baby stuff at home during travelling you may need those things. To avoid such a dilemma, you can make a list of essential stuff for your infant or toddler. Such you can make your baggage light without leaving essential things behind at home.
Bring only what you need
Don’t take so many things when you are travelling with your baby. If you take so many things, you cannot concentrate on your baby. You can buy your necessary items once you arrive.
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Take breastfeeding gadgets
While packing bags, make sure you bring some type of relief for yourself in case the baby isn’t feeding well. Even if you don’t usually pump breast milk, take a manual pump so that it could be a vacation-saver if the baby is leaving you engorged.
Of course, bring more diapers than you think you will need. However, you don’t need to bring the whole case. You can carry diapers in your back bag so that you can use them whenever you need them.
Stay calm
Travelling with a baby can be stressful, but most of that stress is due to worries. When you are anxious, you cannot calm your baby which can ultimately give discomfort to other passengers. Naturally, babies can cry on a journey, but you need to handle that situation with comfort and calmness. So, try to stay cool though it is not as easy as we know. The calmer you stay, the more your child will mirror your emotions.
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Bring enough baby food
If you breastfeed your baby, you do not have to worry about baby formula. But if you don’t breastfeed, you need to take formula. In the case of an older baby, you need enough food for him or her. Actually, once a baby finds a formula it likes, it’s typically the only one they will eat. So, make sure you bring enough baby formula or food for the length of your trip.
Of course, you can buy formula or food for your baby after reaching your travel destination. But sometimes, you don’t get the right one you usually use for your baby. By taking unauthorised or unhealthy foods, your baby can become sick, then your journey will be difficult.
If you are going on an air journey, you need to know that some foods are not allowed to cross borders, especially fruits and meats. So, check with border security ahead of time to determine what foods are allowed.
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Buy the baby’s own seat
When a baby naps in the parent’s arms, it is difficult to tolerate for a long time. While resting on mom or dad’s arms or shoulders, babies may not sleep so easily, which, incidentally, isn’t always comfortable for the parent either.
If you have the ability, you can buy an extra seat for your baby. Definitely, this decision depends on your finances. If you can secure a restless baby in a seat rather than bouncing them on your lap for a long time. There’s a better chance they’ll actually sleep during the journey. Certainly, it can be a game-changer, to make your journey comfortable.
Fly during nap or happy time
If you book your seat beside the window and everything departs smoothly, your kid may be too distracted to sleep because they like to enjoy everything new. But booking seats that correspond with a child’s nap schedule at least gives you better odds for a smoother trip.
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However, if you can’t fly when your lovely kid usually sleeps, try to plan the trip during periods of the day when your baby usually stays in a happy mood. You can take a journey in the afternoon or evening also. If the weather is fine and relaxing and your baby will enjoy that.
Two aisle seats
Booking two aisle seats so that you can provide a much-needed change of scenery for an infant-in-arms. Each time the child is taken on a journey, they’re reintroduced to a new environment and new neighbours. The new environment recaptures their attention. Besides, it’s much easier for you to get up and soothe your baby by walking up and down the aisle.
Feed them during take-off and landing
Feed your baby during take-off and landing. You need to feed your baby before landing as after you need time to settle off. And during taking off, you feed your baby as you may not get suitable time in the journey to feed your baby.
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Babies are especially sensitive to the changes. Uncomfortable sensations make them exhausted. You can comfort the baby by nursing. But if they don’t want to eat, give them a pacifier.
Bring cheap toys
Toys can make babies pacify easily. To save money, make sure you take cheap toys so that you don’t mind losing or accidentally leaving on the plane. Wrap them in cheap wrapping paper like a gift. Whenever your child gets restless during the journey, give them a new gift and help them unwrap it. Definitely, they will enjoy playing with the paper, then the actual toy.
Bring a tablet with shows
When you are travelling with older babies, tablets have become an essential travel item for your baby. Your baby can have an enjoyable time playing games or watching kids' movies on the tablet. Besides, there are a lot of fun baby apps to download to give your baby a comfortable and relaxed journey.
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Make sure you bring a portable power charger. If possible, take two gadgets, like a table and a smartphone. One gadget should be typically available for the parents' usage. It can also support you if one gadget runs out of battery power.
Slow down
This is the most important baby travel tip. Don’t try to repeat the way you usually travel before a baby. Things are different now as you are a parent now. So try to avoid too many hustles, activities or sightseeing in one day.
Plan your tourism activities or adventure itinerary ahead with a fresh and recharged mind. Break up the day and make a planned and nice routine. However, don’t worry if you don’t have to fill your days with constant activities.
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Bottom Line
Journeys can give you the scope to make some amazing memories that last a lifetime. Though making a trip with your baby might be challenging, you can easily conquer it and make the journey enjoyable. A little precautions and planning can help you get the most out of your vacation time with your lovely baby. You can consider our above-mentioned tips to make a baby-friendly trip.
2 years ago
Newborn found abandoned at graveyard in Sunamganj
A newborn baby was found abandoned at a graveyard in Ibrahimpur on the outskirts of Sunamganj town on Thursday night.
Hearing the cries of the newborn around 10pm, locals rescued the girl and rushed her to Sunamganj Sadar Hospital.
Taslima Akter, a resident of the area, said, “We heard the cries and found the newborn baby at the graveyard. Later we informed the police and rescued her."
Also read: Baby born on road after accident that kills parents, sister
Local UP member Giash Uddin said he would be more than happy to raise the baby.
"She is being taken care of at the hospital," he said.
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Sunamganj sadar police station assistant sub-inspector Sohel Ahmad said they had informed their higher authorities about the matter.
2 years ago
Writ petition seeks compensation for baby born on road after accident
A writ petition has been filed with the High Court seeking its directive to the authorities concerned to pay compensation to the baby who was born during a road accident that left its parents and sister dead in Mymensingh.
The bench of Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury and Md Zakir Hossain is expected to hear the writ petition, said Sayed Mahsib Hossain, a counsel of the petitioner.
Supreme Court lawyer Kaniz Fatema filed the writ petition on Monday.
Also read: Baby born on road after accident that kills parents, sister
An investigation into the accident was also sought in the writ petition.
Women and Child Affairs Secretary, Social Welfare Secretary, Road Transport and Bridges Secretary and Bangladesh Road Transport Authority were made respondents to the writ.
A tragic road accident near court building area in Trishal upazila of Mymensingh left Jahangir Alam, 35, his pregnant wife Ratna Begum, 26, and their daughter Jannat Ara, 2, of Raymani village in the upazila, dead on the spot.
Jahangir Alam went Trishal upazila headquarter with his eight-month pregnant wife and daughter for conducting a medical test of his wife.
While crossing the highway a speeding Mymenshingh-bound truck knocked them down, leaving all three family members dead on the spot, said police.
Miraculously the baby girl was born before the mother died on the road and she was taken to upazila health complex by locals.
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The newborn was then given advanced treatment at Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital (MMCH) and then at Community Based Medical College Hospital.
Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner of Mymensingh Mohammad Enamul Haque has taken all the responsibilities including treatment of the baby.
2 years ago
Baby born on road after accident that kills parents, sister
A girl child was born during a road accident that has left three of her family members including parents dead on Dhaka-Mymensingh highway.
The tragic accident occurred around 2:30 pm on Saturday near court building area in Trishal upazila , said Md Main Uddin, Officer-in-Charge of Trishal police station.
The deceased were identified as Jahangir Alam, 35, his wife Ratna Begum, 26, and their daughter Jannat Ara,2, from Raymani village in the upazila.
Also read: Road crashes claim 23 lives in nine districts
According to locals, Jahangir Alam went Trishal upazila headquarter with his eight-month pregnant wife and daughter for conducting a medical test of his wife.
While crossing the highway a speeding Mymenshingh-bound truck knocked them down, leaving all three family members dead on the spot, said police.
Miraculously the baby girl was born before the mother died on the road and she was taken to upazila health complex by locals, said OC Main Uddin.
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“The girl sustained minor injuries and she is now being treated at Mymensingh Medical College Hospital. The truck has been seized and a case will be filed in this regard,” said the OC.
2 years ago
Pregnant woman, baby die after Russia bombed maternity ward
A pregnant woman and her baby have died after Russia bombed the maternity hospital where she was meant to give birth, The Associated Press has learned. Images of the woman being rushed to an ambulance on a stretcher had circled the world, epitomizing the horror of an attack on humanity’s most innocent.
In video and photos shot Wednesday by AP journalists after the attack on the hospital, the woman was seen stroking her bloodied lower abdomen as rescuers rushed her through the rubble in the besieged city of Mariupol, her blanched face mirroring her shock at what had just happened. It was among the most brutal moments so far in Russia’s now 19-day-old war on Ukraine.
The woman was rushed to another hospital, yet closer to the frontline, where doctors labored to keep her alive. Realizing she was losing her baby, medics said, she cried out to them, “Kill me now!”
Surgeon Timur Marin found the woman's pelvis crushed and hip detached. Medics delivered the baby via cesarean section, but it showed “no signs of life,” the surgeon said.
Then, they focused on the mother.
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“More than 30 minutes of resuscitation of the mother didn’t produce results,” Marin said Saturday.
“Both died.”
In the chaos after Wednesday’s airstrike, medics didn’t have time to get the woman’s name before her husband and father came to take away her body. At least someone came to retrieve her, they said — so she didn’t end up in the mass graves being dug for many of Mariupol’s growing number of dead.
Accused of war crimes, Russian officials claimed the maternity hospital had been taken over by Ukrainian extremists to use as a base, and that no patients or medics were left inside. Russia’s ambassador to the U.N. and the Russian Embassy in London called the images “fake news.”
Associated Press journalists, who have been reporting from inside blockaded Mariupol since early in the war, documented the attack and saw the victims and damage firsthand. They shot video and photos of several bloodstained, pregnant mothers fleeing the blown-out maternity ward, medics shouting, children crying.
The AP team then tracked down the victims on Friday and Saturday in the hospital where they had been transferred, on the outskirts of Mariupol.
In a city that's been without food supplies, water, power or heat for more than a week, electricity from emergency generators is reserved for operating rooms.
As survivors described their ordeal, explosions outside shook the walls. The shelling and shooting in the area is sporadic but relentless. Emotions are running high, even as doctors and nurses concentrate on their work.
Blogger Mariana Vishegirskaya gave birth to a girl the day after the airstrike, and wrapped her arm around newborn Veronika as she recounted Wednesday’s bombing. After photos and video showed her navigating down debris-strewn stairs and clutching a blanket around her pregnant frame, Russian officials claimed she was an actor in a staged attack.
“It happened on March 9 in Hospital No. 3 in Mariupol. We were laying in wards when glasses, frames, windows and walls flew apart,” Vishegirskaya, still wearing the same polka dot pajamas as when she fled, told The AP.
“We don’t know how it happened. We were in our wards and some had time to cover themselves, some didn’t.”
Read:Russian airstrike escalates offensive in western Ukraine
Her ordeal was one among many in Mariupol, which has become a symbol of resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin's drive to crush democratic Ukraine and redraw the world map in his favor. The failure to subordinate Mariupol has pushed Russian forces to broaden their offensive elsewhere in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the Azov Sea port city of 430,000, key to creating a land bridge from Russia to Russian-annexed Crimea, is slowly starving.
In the makeshift new maternity ward, each approaching childbirth brings new tension.
“All birthing mothers have lived through so much,” said nurse Olga Vereshagina.
One of the distraught mothers lost some of her toes in the bombing. Medics performed a C-section on her Friday, carefully pulling out her daughter and rubbing the newborn vigorously to stimulate signs of life.
After a few breathless seconds, the baby cries.
Cheers of joy resonate through the room. Newborn Alana cries, her mother cries, and medical workers wipe the tears from their eyes.
2 years ago
Stolen Jashore baby found in Magura
A baby stolen from a Jashore hospital has been returned to his parents after being recovered from a bus stand in Magura on Monday, police said.
The baby, aged eight days, was stolen from Jashore Children's Hospital on Sunday.
"We recovered the baby from the Shimakhali bus stand area in Magura around 12pm after being alerted by a woman commuter," said Bisharul Islam, officer-in-charge of Shalikha police station in Magura.
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“A woman got on a Shotokhali village-bound bus from Jashore with the baby. As the bus stopped at the Shimakhali bus stand, she requested another female commuter to take care of the baby while the former got off on the pretext of getting some water for him,” said the OC.
When the woman did not return, the commuter informed the cops.
Read:2 children hurt in bomb explosion in Jashore
“The baby was later handed over to the Jashore police and eventually returned to his parents, Mahdi Hasan and Asma Khatun, residents of the Kaliganj municipal area in Jhenaidah district," said OC Bisharul.
However, no one has been arrested in connection with the crime, said OC Bisharul.
On February 27, Asma gave birth to the baby boy at Jashore Children's Hospital and he was stolen a week later from the medical facility allegedly by a woman.
2 years ago