National League for Democracy party
1 month in Myanmar under military control
The hopes of building a robust democracy in Myanmar were shattered when the powerful military toppled the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy party in a coup Feb. 1.
3 years ago
Woman shot dead during protests in Myanmar: local media
A woman who was participating in a demonstration against the Feb. 1 coup was shot dead Saturday in Monywa in the central part of the country, local media reported.
3 years ago
Myanmar's ousted party defies coup by convening own parliament
About 70 members of detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi's political party convened their own version of parliament Thursday in defiance of a military coup that prevented newly elected lawmakers from sitting, local media said.
4 years ago
'Suu Kyi's compact with the devil has boomeranged': US diplomat
A day after Myanmar’s military pulled off a well-choreographed coup, the country’s civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, finds herself right back where she was just over a decade ago — under house arrest.
4 years ago